Sunday 4 August 2013

...My Story....


I'm just an ordinary girl that studied in MJSC Pontian... I've many story about me.... Saya nak cerite tapi, tkot x der yg nak read it... I hav a crush on my own senior... But dah x lagi... sbb dh insaf dh mnggatal ngn senior sndri... lgpown die already in relationship kowt... i just guessing... sye prnh relay ngn seseorg but i think that's not couple coz we know each other half of a day... and the relationship began in 3 hours only... i don't think its a relationship or maybe it's just an acquainted only... His name is Khairil Anuar(form5)... He's totally hensem lah kowt... i x prnh jmpe dier... we know each other in FB... i didn't know him well... well, boyz always like that... bru jmpe, mntak couple... that's their habbits... but the things that i most dislike is he is very socialize person... i really hate that... 
I have a new story at Maktab... ade due org bdx niy, die org always mnggatal ngn senior... im stressed of that... everyday always hav a post bout that senior( i also don't know who he is)... i hate that girls..! 
they didn't know that i already know them be4 i went here... i hav my brother(abg angkat) there... they also don't know bout it... n it will be a secret... i want to tell my bro bout their habbits coz i dh x tahan ngn perangai dieorg yg mnggedik dpn senior, over, BATAK....!!! Geram!!! Just wait n see... u will definitely kene dgn aku... klu ade crush skalipown, diam ajer lh... Can't you just shut up your mouth?! biler kne tegur ke dgn senior, gmbirenyer... smpi post kt timeline... tolonglah!!! eh, hello! aq prnh pegi rmh senior aq tau... korg ape thu???? we know each other when we still kids...! kau ade, x der kan....!!! frustrated!!! 
I want my new life... i want to be a happiest girl... HAPPY GO LUCKY!!! i love that slogan... I hope that my seniors will always remember me when they end of their school section..... Amin.... wish me luck sis n bro....!!! i pray for your happiness....!!!! gudluck for your SPM!!! 9A+ and 10A+...!!! Insyaallah....!!! 