Saturday 19 April 2014



 Last night, someone came to my school.... U know what??? The Mirwana Band and Aiman azlan( blogger islamic)... Cool!! We were so excited when they came... I fell wanna die when see them!! Because they r sooo handsome ma!!! I loike it!!! (just kidding)! And the mirwana band sang many songs.... We shout2 at them!!! We all like a crazy when saw one of the member => Bro Iqram!!! 
he is soo handsome but he is married... We fell down when heard it... Hahaha... And many other people also came... The last year form 5 students also came such as...  Abg ZUL, Azlan, Mat Jan, Luqman, Wan, Azzizan and many more! We were very surprise when saw them and KAK QISTINA!!!! We really missed them a lot... I hope they came here after this... And after the Mirwana sang the song... We heard some advise from him... Okay lah.... that's all for today... Sorry for not update for a long time... Time up for SK time!!! I hope I can update more but there's no time... It's time to recess... Bye Mr.MONSTER...!!!! Miss u!!! Take care!!!! Assalamualaikum..