Thursday 26 December 2013



He is the one who always be by my side... Not as a couple, but as a real friend... We already  friend since we're in the childhood... I can't forget the best moments ever with him and the others.. And now, in the year 2013... We are at the same school... He always help me to solve the mess that I or the else did.. And I know that he really utterly sincere to help me ... I really appreciate the help that he gave ... He always gave me good advice so that I will stay here .. At that time, deep in my heart feel like want to cry because he was too nice to me .. When I got a bad result, he admonished me and scolded me in a gentle manner ... I felt like going to crying there too because he has a different attributes from the others ... And one day, I was attacked by my other friends ... I was very scared and I tried looking for him... But I failed... I didn't met him... I don't know where he goes at the moment... I asked their friends but they don't know too...
And one time, I called him .... and he came to meet me ... at that time, I was crying in front of him ... I recounted everything that happened ... he just listening and give suggestion to me ... Back then, I was under surveillance him ... I feel a little safer ... he also asked his friend for helped ... I feel sigh of relief as everything finished .. I really love him as my friend who always there to me ... but he will not be around me on next year because he was over of schooling sessions ... I gotta be strong without him and I'm sure I can do it ... And his name is Muhammad ... a really nice name like him .. Mamad ... Goodbye! I will always pray for your success and do pray for me too ... But I forget to thanked him... I appreciated for what he did to me... Hope you get straight A's in your SPM... aminnn~~ I will always remembered your kindness to me...!!! Terima kasih Mamad dan Goodbye........

Sunday 4 August 2013

...My Story....


I'm just an ordinary girl that studied in MJSC Pontian... I've many story about me.... Saya nak cerite tapi, tkot x der yg nak read it... I hav a crush on my own senior... But dah x lagi... sbb dh insaf dh mnggatal ngn senior sndri... lgpown die already in relationship kowt... i just guessing... sye prnh relay ngn seseorg but i think that's not couple coz we know each other half of a day... and the relationship began in 3 hours only... i don't think its a relationship or maybe it's just an acquainted only... His name is Khairil Anuar(form5)... He's totally hensem lah kowt... i x prnh jmpe dier... we know each other in FB... i didn't know him well... well, boyz always like that... bru jmpe, mntak couple... that's their habbits... but the things that i most dislike is he is very socialize person... i really hate that... 
I have a new story at Maktab... ade due org bdx niy, die org always mnggatal ngn senior... im stressed of that... everyday always hav a post bout that senior( i also don't know who he is)... i hate that girls..! 
they didn't know that i already know them be4 i went here... i hav my brother(abg angkat) there... they also don't know bout it... n it will be a secret... i want to tell my bro bout their habbits coz i dh x tahan ngn perangai dieorg yg mnggedik dpn senior, over, BATAK....!!! Geram!!! Just wait n see... u will definitely kene dgn aku... klu ade crush skalipown, diam ajer lh... Can't you just shut up your mouth?! biler kne tegur ke dgn senior, gmbirenyer... smpi post kt timeline... tolonglah!!! eh, hello! aq prnh pegi rmh senior aq tau... korg ape thu???? we know each other when we still kids...! kau ade, x der kan....!!! frustrated!!! 
I want my new life... i want to be a happiest girl... HAPPY GO LUCKY!!! i love that slogan... I hope that my seniors will always remember me when they end of their school section..... Amin.... wish me luck sis n bro....!!! i pray for your happiness....!!!! gudluck for your SPM!!! 9A+ and 10A+...!!! Insyaallah....!!! 

Monday 29 July 2013



Sgale yg brlaku pde 28.7.2013 & 29.7.2013 x kn prnh aq lupekn smpi biler2... itu ade lh knangan yg pling indah dn sedyh buat kiter sme form 1 batch 00... smoge abg2 dn akk2 akn brjaye di dunia dn di akhirat, dn sentiase diredhai Allah s.w.t... kite org sme syg BKP 2012/2013... Gud luck for your SPM... Hope you get straight A+, we wish you luck... Dn jgn sesekali ckp SALAM TERAKHIR untk kiteorg sbb itu bkn kali trakhir dn x akn jdi yg trakhir sehingge Allah menarik nyamu.... Kiteorg akn igt korg smpi biler2.... wlaupon kiter brsme2 x smpi setahun, tpi ikatan kiter x akn trputus.... insyaallah... jgn lupekn kiteorg tau.... thnx BADAR 12/13 sbb byk didik kiteorg ke jln yg bnr, thnx jge kt LDP sbb tegur kiteorg bile wt slh n x lpe jge kt BWP.... nnt klu ade mse, dtg r sni biler dh abis skolh nnt.... sekian... wassalam.....

Wednesday 24 July 2013

                                       HYE2, HELLO2....!!!

Dah lame x update blog niy... x der mse r nk post citer2... huhuhu...  byk giler citer2 kt maktab... sme best2... yg x best nyer ade 'GENG GENG GEDIX' ade r kt situu... dh lh ske menCAPUB
(CARI PUBLICITY)..!!!! mcm x der kje laen ke nk wt.... kiter kn ade byk crushes kt sni... sme hensem2...(gatal) x slh kn minat senior???? normal thing kowt... Korg nk thu x spe??? Jeng3... Cari lh sendri... x boleh bgtau... nnt korg amik plak... hahaha! Tu jer r nk post x der bnde laen r nk post... yg laen tuh sme secret2... hehehe... bye assalamualaikum..!!!! 

Sunday 24 March 2013



Who has not sat in MRSM was lost because the school have a very systematic way of learning compared with normal school ... That is why I want to study here ... We are also be able to have an experience living in the hostel, we also can be independent living in the hostel. I got many new friends!!! But the most I do not like, ML!!!! She's a no simulating girl, shit, dumb, all the negative things are in her. She's also who likes to make up stories about a person and makes the person feel embarrassed by the people in the college, including me ... I can only be patient and pray ... Why there's a human behave like that in this world,??? It was hard for me to survive if we're in the same school... I hope that she will regret about what she do... The end of the story of ML..! There's a lot of story that i wanna write... But I don't have enough time to write it... The story of ML was to long, so I better post the others next time... That's all!!! Bye Mr.Monster..!!!



                            Her name is Nur Fatihah... She is 15 years old... N she is my cousin..!!! She is so gorgeous with her beautiful dress..!!! OMG!!! I'm very jelez wif her beauty...!! But she said to me that all Allah's creation is beautiful n handsome include you... I'm really appreciate it... But I think she is the prettiest, the perfectness, the gorgeous girl that i've met.... Ok, that's all... Bye, Mr.Monster!!!         

Saturday 2 March 2013

Sad sad sad....

                                               ....Hari yg sedeyh buatku....

Sob sob..... Apsal cpt sgt balik..?! Nurin x puas lg kt umah niy...!!! Npe arr mse cpt sgt brlalu?!?! Geram nyer! Mngkin ni arr dugaan bg org yg duduk kt asrma kowt.... Nurin blom puas agy tgk citer korea, bce novel n jmpe kengkawan.... Sabor jer ah eh Nurin... Blom jmpe  dier lg.... Huhuhu...! Nak g jusco borong novel agy...A, X per ah... Lg 2 mnggu nk balik(cuti sem 2)... Tp Nurin, Fatin, Haziq n Syah balik agy skali pde 16.3 sbb ade ary anugerah cmrlang... Best nyer!!! Bole jmpe ckgu2 skolh rndh... N hope Hadi pown balik jgk arr... Rndunyer dier...!(sbgai kwn)  Ok arr... Tu jer nk post... Bye, assalamualaikum...

!!!!...Happy Day...!!!!

                                       TERIMA KASIH HAZIQ..!
Sye mmg seorg yg ketinggalan zaman.... Hope korg sme thu arr.... Hehehe(klu dpt bce)... Wlaupon sye hdup sng n mewah, tp buat blog pown sye x thu... Sedeyh kn??? Sob sob... Tp nsib baek arr ade kwn yg BAEK HATI yg snggup tlg... Pdahal org mntak tlg ajr, tp die kate nk mntak tlg wt kn... Dlm kpale otak sye pikir, sng sikit keje aq... X payah memening kn kpale otak... So, die pown tlg arr wt kn... Rajinnyer..!!! Org nyer adelh, Nik Muhammad Haziq Azfar... Klu ade yg x phm ke, sila lh rujuk kt dier... Brtambah jgk pahala ko Haziq oi.... Tu jer ah nk citer ary niy... Tata..!!! Nk tido... Assalamualaikum.... 
