Saturday 3 May 2014


The day will come means the day that I hate will come which on next week... It is a SEM 1 Examination!!!! Scared of it! I didn't know what to do... the first exam I got, 3.45 n the second one I got, 3.44... Bad isn't it??? I know.. I'm not the brilliant one that always got 3.75 an above... I never get it and I want to get it in this Sem exam.. You think that I can get it??? I f I study more harder, I think I can get it... This is the prove to my parents that I study hard in MRSM.... I want to graduated... I want to make everyone shock with my result... Before this, I always got top 100/150... Very shame.... I know.... I know everything... I didn't want to make my parent upset again with my result... I don't want it... I want them happy eventhough I didn't get the target... At least, 3.65 or 3.7 is enough for me... Next year will be more and more difficult... I want to get that target! I want it much!!! Why and why eventhough i have study a lot but I didn't get want I want... While the others of my friends didn't study, they just play and not concentrate in class... but they can get higher than mine... Why r??? I can't understand why I must go through this thing... I wanna cry.... I didn't know what I wrong.... i can't accept it....!!!! I want to be as good as the others... But why I casn't get???!!!!!Am I not worthy to get it??? Am I??? I wish I can get it.....

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