Sunday 25 May 2014



Why I change to Mr Tong2??? There's a story behind it... Hehehe.... I think I must told you why I put tong2.... That's funny name right??? I know... It's funny n I love it soo much! He's my senior... Form4... I like him since I first when to school.. He is the first person man that I found at school when I'm form1... He is tall, handsome, smart, tough, but one thing that didn't perfect him which is he had pimples in his face.... But I didn't care... So what if he have that??? He didn't care about it.... Because he know that Allah already give the best for him... 
Even though he likes to play girls feeling, but I still like him... He is m first crush... I've crushed at him for 2 years... I didn't want he knows about it... It's shameless thing if he knows... One day, I and Didi went to the PUM kiosk... Didi want to buy some drinks and I just wait behind her... I saw Tong2 there too... After I saw him there, I look other place... Because if I look at his face soo long, I will faint with his handsome face... After 5 mins, I feel someone beside me.... And I look... It was him... I know that he want to talk to me, I know that he has something that he felt angry at me.... I know that... But I'm scared if I heard it, I will cry a lot... I can't mention his name here because it's too opened... I want to know what he want to say to me... But when??? After I look at him, he turn back and go back to the hostel... I feel meh... What the! The tong2 name was given by NUR DYANA HOOD... We didn't know what to call him in front the others... Didi got a crazy idea to call him TONG2.... Yaya called him KUNTUM... Crazy named...!!! HAHAAHAH!!! I just can give you a clue.... His first name same like my brother name... His age was same but not same school... That's the clue... Try to find him if u dare too.... HAHAH.... That's all from me... I wish u luck to find him.... Bye!!!

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