Monday 17 November 2014


Never regret about the pointer... Because what.. coz I knew ... I'd did it best as I could... It's hard to get what parents want... I can't understand why they always didn't satisfied with my result.... It's hard you know... It could be that I'm stupid... I'm very slow to catch up everything teacher taught...
Maybe... But I really want to be like them that always get highest pointer... But I can't.. I've tried soo hard to catch it... Sometimes, I cried because why I can't get those thing... I hit my head... I slapped my face... And I fed up.... I don't know what to do... Why they are soo brilliant??? Why am I not in that group??? In my thoughts, my pointer actually is not below  of the standard... They don't understand me... They know that I'm not too clever.. But they always force me to get higher... I can't... I know what stage am I... Sometimes, I think I don't have any chance here to get high pointer... But I know Allah is fair... He will give anything.... Life is just like a rolling wheel... Jiffy up and jiffy down... We're not always success, we will fall at least one... But usually more than once... It is life... Fair and square... Someday, you will fall... I 'm sure for it... Even dad always scold me, but what can I do... Just listen and said in heart...  That's all I can do....


Saturday 28 June 2014


Am I crying?? No.... but yess... 4 the first time i cried bcoz of small thing... dad ask me if I can iftar at the school or not... and I say yes bcoz dad can't drive in night... mom doesn't allow him... but I but I feel like to cry because I could not iftar with them..... and at last I cry.... cry cry.... mom said to me that you didn't want to iftar at school right?? and I nod... but I feel pity of my dad bcoz he can't drive at night... I don't know what to do... but I can't stand like this for not doing anything... If I think it again, I will cry... I don't know why... because for 2 years I didn't break fast with them in the 1st ramadhan... that make me feel down.... how stupid I am crying in front of mom.... I must be tough not flaccid like this... I really really sad of it... I must forget about what I heard just now... don't ever remember it... pleaseeee!!!!! 

Tuesday 3 June 2014

2/6/2014 : I LOIKE!!!! XDDDD

Yesterday was a great day... You know what, it is the day that I went out with my friends in this school holiday... Hangout with Hazierah n Faddhlina was fun... Everyone jealous about th news that we go out... I said to the others, we planned in last minute... There's a reason why we don't hang many of it... Fadh always being bullying by Hazierah... Hazierah got a shoe from her which cost RM50 you know!!!! I just looked it and surprised of it... Fadh said that it was Hazierah's birthday gift... And I, OHH, I SEE... And Fadh also said, next time I gift You a gift too... Which is Converse shoe....And I, WAAAHHHH!!!! Hazierah only a simple one by I... HAHAHA... What the what the... Fadh Fadh... You always have many moneys... I think that's your's... You same like Jeremy... OHH!! JEREMY, I miss u a lot... Jeremy told me that if we go hangout, he said to me n the others, don't bring any money because I will pay it what you want... I'm so shocked at the moment... YAY!!! Save money ma... hahaah... We took some pictures together n we also played games in the JUSCO... Teenagers played game was normal but Old played was not normal at all.... We went to the photo booth to take a picture of fake face which was edited by the machine... It was totally fake...!!!!  hahaha!!! We were very happy and always be friends no matter what happens.... Insyaallah.. Friends forever till JANNAH...... Aamiin.... Okay that's all... Bye n Assalamualaikum....

Sunday 25 May 2014



Why I change to Mr Tong2??? There's a story behind it... Hehehe.... I think I must told you why I put tong2.... That's funny name right??? I know... It's funny n I love it soo much! He's my senior... Form4... I like him since I first when to school.. He is the first person man that I found at school when I'm form1... He is tall, handsome, smart, tough, but one thing that didn't perfect him which is he had pimples in his face.... But I didn't care... So what if he have that??? He didn't care about it.... Because he know that Allah already give the best for him... 
Even though he likes to play girls feeling, but I still like him... He is m first crush... I've crushed at him for 2 years... I didn't want he knows about it... It's shameless thing if he knows... One day, I and Didi went to the PUM kiosk... Didi want to buy some drinks and I just wait behind her... I saw Tong2 there too... After I saw him there, I look other place... Because if I look at his face soo long, I will faint with his handsome face... After 5 mins, I feel someone beside me.... And I look... It was him... I know that he want to talk to me, I know that he has something that he felt angry at me.... I know that... But I'm scared if I heard it, I will cry a lot... I can't mention his name here because it's too opened... I want to know what he want to say to me... But when??? After I look at him, he turn back and go back to the hostel... I feel meh... What the! The tong2 name was given by NUR DYANA HOOD... We didn't know what to call him in front the others... Didi got a crazy idea to call him TONG2.... Yaya called him KUNTUM... Crazy named...!!! HAHAAHAH!!! I just can give you a clue.... His first name same like my brother name... His age was same but not same school... That's the clue... Try to find him if u dare too.... HAHAH.... That's all from me... I wish u luck to find him.... Bye!!!

Saturday 3 May 2014


The day will come means the day that I hate will come which on next week... It is a SEM 1 Examination!!!! Scared of it! I didn't know what to do... the first exam I got, 3.45 n the second one I got, 3.44... Bad isn't it??? I know.. I'm not the brilliant one that always got 3.75 an above... I never get it and I want to get it in this Sem exam.. You think that I can get it??? I f I study more harder, I think I can get it... This is the prove to my parents that I study hard in MRSM.... I want to graduated... I want to make everyone shock with my result... Before this, I always got top 100/150... Very shame.... I know.... I know everything... I didn't want to make my parent upset again with my result... I don't want it... I want them happy eventhough I didn't get the target... At least, 3.65 or 3.7 is enough for me... Next year will be more and more difficult... I want to get that target! I want it much!!! Why and why eventhough i have study a lot but I didn't get want I want... While the others of my friends didn't study, they just play and not concentrate in class... but they can get higher than mine... Why r??? I can't understand why I must go through this thing... I wanna cry.... I didn't know what I wrong.... i can't accept it....!!!! I want to be as good as the others... But why I casn't get???!!!!!Am I not worthy to get it??? Am I??? I wish I can get it.....

Thursday 1 May 2014


I love them very much....! They were always be by my side... without them, I could be nothin .... cuz I'm only human.... and I bleed when I fall down... hehhe.. joke2.... I hope our friendship never end until jannah... Iwant to introduse to u my best friend ever....
1st: Hazierah bt Kamaludin
2nd:Nur Fadhlina bt Wujedi
3rd: Nur Lutfil Hadi bin Nurfaizal
4th: Nur Syakinah bt Shahril
5th:Syah Irfan bin Suhaimi
6th:Nik Muhd Haziq Azfar bin Zamree
7th: Durratul Aini bt Abdul Wahid

The 6th one who did my blog... This will be the most important friends ever!

I will never  forget u allz... Insyaallah.... Bye2...!

Saturday 19 April 2014



 Last night, someone came to my school.... U know what??? The Mirwana Band and Aiman azlan( blogger islamic)... Cool!! We were so excited when they came... I fell wanna die when see them!! Because they r sooo handsome ma!!! I loike it!!! (just kidding)! And the mirwana band sang many songs.... We shout2 at them!!! We all like a crazy when saw one of the member => Bro Iqram!!! 
he is soo handsome but he is married... We fell down when heard it... Hahaha... And many other people also came... The last year form 5 students also came such as...  Abg ZUL, Azlan, Mat Jan, Luqman, Wan, Azzizan and many more! We were very surprise when saw them and KAK QISTINA!!!! We really missed them a lot... I hope they came here after this... And after the Mirwana sang the song... We heard some advise from him... Okay lah.... that's all for today... Sorry for not update for a long time... Time up for SK time!!! I hope I can update more but there's no time... It's time to recess... Bye Mr.MONSTER...!!!! Miss u!!! Take care!!!! Assalamualaikum..